Thursday, September 10, 2009

Micheal Jackson my Rants

I feel sorry for his children I know that they are being well taken care of. No matter what Micheal Jackson was to media. He was something to the rest of us and he left this life too soon. He was too young to go and leave his "children" rather they came from sperm donors or not they were still the only father that they knew they grew up with him being daddy. For the media to drag him out in the public and degrade him was just morally wrong. If Micheal Jackson was a no body but had lots of money how much air play would he have gotten ummera a whole two seconds and then they would have been on to the next person. He was a Pop Icon, Father,Son and Someones Brother, and at one time Some one's Husband ,someones God father. In the Media they always forget one thing about Super Stars they are people first before they are anything else. People make mistakes and no one is perfect not no one. But that did not make him less then a man. Then in the end of his life we all had to be reminded of his "acquitted charges". In a court of law your innocent until proven guilty the media already had him tried and convicted on the news. It seemed like it is really was to early for him to leave. But when The most High says it is time it is time. He was a really brilliant person and a great artist. He was someone that I would have liked to meet one day to just shake his hand and tell him you know Micheal your going to make. I would have liked to show him what a true friend was. I am sure in his line of work it is hard to tell who is real and fake! His so called baby momma she needs to sit her but down somewhere and live his family alone with them children she was not trying to claim then when he was alive do not claim them now. The Only mother them children knew was "Grace" that is their mother as far as I am concerned. The rest of the snakes that crawled out of the wood work after he past. OK you gave him sperm for his children so what move on. When your a sperm donor you have no rights to any children that you father, so keep it moving I was appalled to even listen to you on MSNBC I was thinking are you freaking kidding me? Everyone knows whom ever has the children gets what ever money Micheal has left. That is sad how people want to be in someones life that has not spend not even one day with the children they children have no clue who the hell they are. They played all of that stuff over and over like they did Katrina. What else did the media speculate about rather Micheal was in his coffin at his memorial or not. Does it matter if he was in it or not. Considering that the police had his brain I am sure the family had his body still at the morgue awaiting his brain. If he were my child I would have had a closed casket funeral for him as well. Not everything need be shown in the public. What can we see from journalist they scurry around like little rats to get their story good bad or indefferent. I was proud of Janted for going to pick up his things before someone had a chance to loot his home.

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